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Columbia Gifted and Talented Youth

Outside of Box: Possibility Is Outside of Schools

Newton's Pendulum

Why Matters?

We are: an non-profit organization in New York City.

We have identified a problem :  AI as a pivotal 21st-century trend, integral to harnessing various intelligences daily. As societal resource allocation leans towards certain intelligence domains, we focus on a vital query: How to merge personal goals with societal needs, enabling children to evolve as proficient problem solvers and dynamic societal contributors?


To meet these needs : we will serve learners and families through our distinguished programs, research, and initiatives. We believe in identifying and developing the talents of individuals, especially those in underrepresented populations.

“ Giftedness is not an autistic phenomenon; it must find its expression in a particular place at a particular time. Environment plays a role both in shaping an individual's abilities (through the influence of parents, teachers, peers, the community, the media, the arts, and so forth) and in allowing for its blossoming.”

 - James H. Borland 《Planning and Implementing Programs for the Gifted》

 Our Partners: We Collaborate Researchers From


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We believe that every child deserves to be advanced in education

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